In 2019, the unexpected coronavirus on -going in China, it effects some cities in China and attracted global attention. At this moment,to much garbage news spreading fear of anyone from China.
Many customers are worried that Corona Virus will be exported around the world with the export of goods. This worry is unnecessary .Respiratory droplets and close contact are the main routes of transmission. So don’t worry.
And the government is working tirelessly as are the amazing people all over the nation to contain this outbreak.For now,people from the most affected city of Wuhan have been completely isolated and are not allowed to live the city. We know there still have the coronvirus patient in the hospital,but I trust our country ,I trust our government.Right now , Chinese government has already carried out some measures and the situation is getting better.
These are the measures for the epidemic control
1.We build the new hospital (Huoshenshan hospital)for nCov in 7 days. and another one is building right now.(leishenshan hospital)
2. State assets regulator urges fast delivary of crucial medical materials
3.Hubei Province steps up epidemic prevention control efforts
4. the vaccine reacerch is on-going, and there will be a result in two or three weeks.
5.The Adademician Zhong Nanshan is leading the team to fight the coronavirus whom devoted himself to the cure of SARS.
Our Preventive Measures
Now We are back to work , we are following government's instruction to protect ourselves,all of our workmate ,our family members are good and healthy, we believe it will be better very soon.
1.We wearing the medical mask at working time.
2.Every one takes a temperature before then enter the offce building
3.We sterilize our office every day through this time.
4.We wash our hands before and after work .
So far , we are doing good , and we are all good and healthy. We hope you can take a visit to our factory after this terribile situtation.
I know our business relationship is not effected by this , but I just want you know I do trust our government , and things will getting better and better.