PTFE lined rubber expansion joint send to Russia


The PTFE-lined rubber expansion joints ordered by Russian customers have all been completed.

PTFE lined rubber expansion joints are designed for industrial aggressive chemical applications with an integral PTFE liner and EPDM rubber. It is used in many industrial applications, including the pulp and paper industry, where the need to resist high pressure corrosion is critical. Rated to 250F.

When the rubber expansion joint is lined with a PTFE Teflon liner, all the properties of PTFE Teflon will help the rubber expansion joint to function. Useful when transporting chemicals, acids, corrosives and other hazardous substances through pipelines.

PTFE has the following properties:

Industrial applications where PTFE-lined rubber bellows can be used include:

Paper mills, chemical plants, desalination plants, fertilizer plants and processing plants using chemicals or high or low temperatures.